Kumpulan Soal UAN, UN, UNAS – SD, SMP, SMA dan SMK
National Exam Resource or Ujian Nasional is final test to receive graduation certificate, final test each step is different but same in all Indonesian School. this site provide data from various resource and year of UAN,UNAS and UN
Sekolah Dasar / SD / Elementary School
Siap UASBN Science Programs (IPA)
UASBN Social Science Programs (IPS)
Mathematics in Elementary Schools
1. Prediksi and Latihan 1 (Packet 7)
Bahasa Indonesia / Indonesian Language
Junior High School / SMP
Siap UAN, Ujian Nasional, UN
Prediction and Practice 2012
Mathematics for Junior High School
IPA / Science for Junior High School
IPS / Social Science for Junior High School
Bahasa / Language
Sumber : http://soal-unas.blogspot.com/
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